Friday, February 4, 2011


As people get excited for the upcoming BIG GAME there is no shortage of people speculating who this years Champs will be.  One of my favorite lists is the one done by ESPN where they've put together some of today's and yesterday's notable celebrities. Check out what Jack Nicklaus, Cal Ripkin Jr, and Tim Lincecum have to say on ESPN Celebrity Picks
As interesting as all of build up is for the SuperBowl and the actual game is, being new to advertising I just can't help but get excited for the commercials. No, seriously! Remember the awesome, and oh so young, Betty White Clip from last year?   I am interested to see what the big brands like Budweiser, Doritos, and GoDaddy are going to do with their :30 second commercials.  Don't for get they all come with a $3million price tag per spot...that's a lot of Bones! (sorry, couldn't resist.)
I know from my previous posts you guys must think that agency life is a lot of hanging around, sinking beers and being inappropriately pawed by co-workers (I'm looking at you, Gunaca), here's a shot of me actually doing some work - kinda. So that I don't miss out on any of the commercials, I am liking all my favorite brands on Facebook, some of them already have content, teasers, and clips from past SuperBowl commercials.

Here I am checking out Budweiser's FB Page...not because I like the beer but because I like the Ponies!
Who will you "Like" before the big game and what brand(s) do you think will have the best commercial?

1 comment:

  1. I see Skully's also got a thing for freestyle snowboarding.. So he's a legit "knuckledragger" eh?
